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Cecilia Ligorio

was born in Verona in 1981 and studied philosophy, drama and violoncello in Milan and Barcelona. She has been working as an actress, assistant director and director since 2004. Her work ranges from the baroque repertoire to contemporary musicRossini’s La Cenerentola for the Cologne Opera, Rossini’s Semiramide and Puccini’s Turandot for the Teatro La Fenice in Venice; Spontini’s Fernand Cortez for the Teatro del Maggio Fiorentino in Florence, Caravaggio Rubato by G. Sollima for the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, La Traviata/Verdi for the Théâtre de Varietée in Paris, Cambiale di Matrimonio, Il Barbiere di Siviglia and Nozze di Figaro for the Bare Theatre in New York as well as other productions for theatres and festivals in Italy. As a librettist, she has published numerous texts and works regularly for production companies such as Amazon Prime (Spain and Italy), Grøelandia, Eagle Production, Cross Production and Netflix. Her next productions are Mozart’s Don Giovanni for the Cologne Opera and Saitta’s Springtime for the Matadero in New York.

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