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Cordula Däuper

Däuper made his debut in 2005 at the Komische Oper
Berlin. Since then she has worked at opera houses such as the Opernhaus
Zurich, the National Theater Mannheim, the Opéra national
de Lorraine in Nancy, the KonzerTheaterBern, the Nationaltheater
Weimar, at the State Theaters of Darmstadt and
Mainz. In addition to the opera repertoire, she also creates her own
pieces, which have been performed at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, at Berlin’s HAU 1 and also several times at the Neuköllner Oper
(most recently CASTING CLARA, LOST (1,5m).

Involved in

Casting Clara

Casting Clara

Wunderkind, piano virtuoso, composer, wife of Robert Schumann, mother of eight children, professor and working almost until her death at the age of 76 – Clara Schumann. Who was this power woman of the 19th century?

Premiere on 15. August 2019.
To 20. September 2019.

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