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Wer war´s?

N.O.K.K. is investigating!
A musical thriller from the Neuköllner Oper Kinder Klub
World premiere on 20 September 2020

After having eaten in the school canteen, the pupils suddenly feel sick.
What happened?
Everyone investigates with – and against each other, who could have which motives.
Was it the cook, the food counter or the catering company? Aren’t the technician and the guy from the cleaning company related to each other? Why does the director’s wife show up at the director’s office? Has anyone seen his daughter and the twins from the parallel class? An avalanche of mutual suspicions is unleashed. As in big things, so in small – events are hastily hysterized and turned into pre-judgements.
Or was it a coincidence – and our environment does have a greater impact on our life and health than we think?!

music: Yuval Halpern
lyrics & direction: Verena Talamonti
production management: Carola Thiede

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