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Der ukrainische Regisseur und Autor Sashko Brama , bei uns zu Gast 2016 mit „R+J“ schreibt zur gegenwärtigen Situation:

„My dear friends from abroad, I have received many of your messages and letters. Thank you all for your support, care and willingness to help! Sorry for not answering all at once. The war caught me in Kyiv. On February 24, we woke up early, in the morning, from the explosions. It was the worst morning of my life. We managed to leave Kyiv on the day when the fighting started in the city. I’m fine already. I can already sleep and eat. My relatives and I are now in Lviv (western Ukraine), we are relatively safe here, but my parents are in the occupied territories. Lviv is not bombed, but air-raid sirens often sound here.When I left after the shock, I understood that I had to do my best to resist the evil that came to destroy my world.That’s why I’m staying in Lviv to make documentary video reportages with my friends. We want to talk about the coming to our land evil. We want to talk about the pain that Russia has brought to our home and about the heroism of the Ukrainian people.Today our first report was published on the Polish But we will also make an English version of these materials. If you know the contacts of the Western media, who may be interested in such materials, please contact us.“

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