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Einfach anfangen! | Tandem: LOST (1,5 m)

An Action Day for everybody

Actually, we all want the same thing, don’t we? To live more sustainably and consume more consciously in view of climate change. But somehow we often don’t quite get it right in everyday life…
While in the LOST music theater (1.5 meters) the consequences of doing nothing are made audible and visible in a tragic and poetic way, the Neuköllner Oper invites you to take action.

At our ACTION DAY on Saturday, 31.10., we want to get started together with the Prinzessinnengarten Kollektiv Berlin and the blogger, author and activist Lydia Krüger. So pack your laptop, smartphone and your own urgent questions. Maybe you’ll quit the evil bank or the nasty global delivery service right today!

Our ACTION DAY is designed for the whole person with hand, head and soul. That’s why in the afternoon, we’ll start by packing our bags in the Princess Gardens at St. Jacobi Cemetery.
After gardening, a soup break warms body and soul. And afterwards we think, discuss and act in the Kiezkapelle: In small working groups, everyone can work on the most burning issues and possibly even come up with new solutions.

Our ACTION DAY is created in cooperation with the
Prinzessinnengarten Kollektiv Berlin and activist Lydia Krüger.




Photos 1, 2: © Stefanie Tendler aka Lalalopoberlin Photography
All other photos: © Marion Ducamp/Nomadisch Grün

FREE ADMISSION. Please make a reservation in advance.

Directions Prinzessinengarten Kollektiv Berlin
Neuer Sankt-Jakobi Friedhof
Hermannstraße 99-102
12051 Berlin
S+U Hermannstraße

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