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MOON MUSIC II: Transformation

Nobody said it was easy: In the second part of MOON MUSIC we fall into holes, fight giants and get bruises. With the STEGREIF.orchester we plunge into the rough streets of Neukölln between the Neuköllner Oper and the Kiezkapelle near the Prinzessinnengärten.

In an experimental digital format, documentary-filmic journey alternates with interactive live concert. With great anticipation of the encounter, we invite the audience to engage in the beautiful risk of transformation together with the musicians*.

With Marine Madelin (vocals, performance), Konstantin Döben (trumpet), Bertram Burkert (guitar), Antonio Rivero (percussion).

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STEGREIF.orchester – Neuköllner Opera – Prinzessinnengarten Collective Berlin

With MOON MUSIC, musicians and activists from STEGREIF.orchester, Neuköllner Oper and the Prinzessinnengarten Kollektiv invite you to a contemplative-interactive performance series in which music and moon phases, forgotten myths, rites and tales connect with body, mind and soul to mobilize new forces. It’s springtime, after all! On three evenings from January to March we move from darkness to light, from winter to the beginning of spring, from the protective space to the open field and ultimately from the valley to the hill – from the Neuköllner Opera to the Kiezkapelle and to the fields of the Prinzessinnengarten at the New St. Jacobi Cemetery.

Idea/Concept: Juri de Marco, Bernhard Glocksin & Änne-Marthe Kühn, Direction: Selina Thüring, Dramaturgie: Änne-Marthe Kühn, Stage/Costume Design: Ivan Ivanov, Head of technical production: Christian Maith, Assistent to the director/Head of Production: Franziska Korte, Production intern: Paula Häfele, Camera/Edit: Odelia Toder (Moon Music I & II), Marta Meluva (Moon Music III), Live-Camera: Julia Weingarten

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