Our world is full of images. And don’t almost all experiences, encounters, and relationships that connect us to the world initially take place through seeing? Not only since the last Wunderkammer do we know how deceptive images are. So what is the significance of images, beauty, relationships, sound and music, among other things, in a world without (to us familiar) images? And what kind of “images” does music create as an art that is not visible at first?

Therefore, we are happy to be guests of experts of a world without images on three evenings in November. With them we will experience music between spatial sound and artistic interpretation and learn about an environment that we as sighted people share with blind people and yet which is so different. A world we don’t have to be afraid of. “I experience my life and environment as colorful and vibrant. For example, I travel a lot and in doing so I often experience my environment more intensively than most others, who seem to have easier and broader access to their environment by virtue of their visual perception,” says Roland Zimmermann, who became blind as a teenager. He, his visually impaired colleague Dino Capovilla and ten-year-old Fanny Däuper report from this world.
The (sighted) musicians Miguel Pérez Iñesta, Anna Viechtl and Josa Gerhard create sound and music.
WITH Prof. Dr. Dino Capovilla (Uni Würzburg), Dr. Roland Zimmermann (HU Berlin), Fanny Däuper as well as Miguel Pérez Iñesta (musical direction, clarinet), Anna Viechtl (harp) and Josa Gerhard (viola). Conception: Bernhard Glocksin, Sabrina Rossetto. Moderation: Bernhard Glocksin
Calandrellistraße 1-9
12247 Berlin-Steglitz

This event is part of the WUNDERKAMMER series, which – spread over several seasons – focuses on different aspects and phenomena of the world.
Kindly supported by

An event in the context of the WUNDERKAMMER series in cooperation with the

Image: © Sabrina Rossetto