We look back on a year with various digital prototypes, with which we explored the potential of digitization and AI for music theater in the oper.digital series according to the trial and error principle. In the last Lab in 2021, we ask ourselves together with musicians, developers and the audience: What is the artistic added value of the digital tools developed in recent months? How can these technical ventures be transferred to the artistic practice of music theater? Can the tools developed as part of oper.digital also create new access to music theater in the long term?
To be presented, tried out and discussed: The evaluative fitness tracker by Paul Biessmann, the digital applause by Jonas Urbat and the Conductor Suit, the electronic musical wearable by the Einstein Center Digital Future. Last but not least, the app-based composing personality test WHICH BEETHOVEN ARE YOU? by kling klang klong and Trickster Orchestra will be presented: With an exhibition of the scores already created by audience tests in the Neuköllner Opera, with which musicians* of Trickster Orchestra and VKKO enter into a musical dialogue that evening.
Finally, at the end of oper.digital, the audience becomes the jury and decides for each prototype when it comes to: Is this all the future or can it go away?
Valentin von Lindenau (kling klang klong)
Paul Bießmann
Prof. Dr. Felix Bießmann (Berliner Hochschule für Technik)
Jonas Urbat
Wu Wei, Sheng (Trickster Orchestra)
Niko Meinhold, Klavier (Trickster Orchestra)
Franziska Aller, Bass (VKKO)
Philip Dornbusch, Schlagzeug (VKKO)
Katja Oseloff
Clemens Seemann

The project oper.digital is implemented by the Neuköllner Opera in collaboration with the Verworner-Krause Chamber Orchestra and is developed within the framework of “dive in. Program for Digital Interactions” of the Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR program.