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What makes me get up in the morning?

“This question has been on my mind for a long time. As a person, but also as a physician and health or neuroscientist. What is missing in today’s medicine, in our society, to generate sustainable health and healing? My preliminary findings (for discussion!), supported by current international data: Awareness of a new, fourth dimension of health is missing: meaningfulness. For example, when I track down unexplained, sometimes chronic symptoms with my patients, I now often find “new” causes – from a lack of meaning to a lack of purpose in life. But here lies an enormous potential for healing: if there is meaning in what we do and a connection between being and life, if we know what we get up for in the morning (and why here in particular), healing can take place. When we commit ourselves to life, surrender to it.” – Tobias Esch*

This season, the NKO is searching for clues to these themes: In DER TEUFEL IM LIFT, four hotel guests search for meaning and confidence, woven into the timeless music of J.S. Bach. WUNDERKAMMER XI examines the nature of devotion & commitment, and in EIGENTLICH BIN ICH GLÜCKLICH the Junge NKO presents its theater evening based on research on the topic of happiness. The revival of BIS KEINER WEINT circles around the questions of one’s own identity, while in the ritual opera ZUSAMMEN FALLEN three goddesses of fate await you…

Here’s to eventful and insightful encounters in your Neukölln Opera!

*The neuroscientist, health researcher, physician and author Tobias Esch is connected to the activities of the Neukölln Opera through the Wunderkammer series. He is Institute Director and Professor for Integrative Health Care and Health Promotion at the University of Witten/Herdecke.

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