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We say YES YES YES YES YES! The Dean is back

It was the year 2020, when we were about to roll out a purple carpet for the “Elvis of the GDR” for his new last show. Then came the first wave – then it was time to break off, pack props and hope, don’t give up! On September 3rd, the time had come: Our show of IRON CURTAIN MAN actually went over the stage with a real audience, dancing and stormy applause. Then came the second wave… ok, we know, don’t give up, and don’t get anxious before the third. So: sheet music out, set rehearsals and start undeterred, “on sight”: on April 17, 2021 we would be back live and fully analog at the start and sing again “We say yes yes yes yes!”. The third wave came after all – for this the new online show was born, in which the audience can help answer the big question from home: Who will be The Dean of Germany?

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written by Bernhard Glocksin

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