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WUNDERKAMMER IV:­ Wunderwerk körper

WUNDERKAMMER IV:­ Wunderwerk körper

In this new Wunderkammer episode from NKO and the Ernst Schering Foundation, we invite you to change your perspective on what makes us tick: body and mind. How much personal and societal potential lies dormant in also understanding health and the body as the marvels of refined systems designed to balance, heal and connect? For […]

Premiere on 12. November 2021.
To 14. November 2021.

Wunderkammer V: Musik im Kopf

Wunderkammer V: Musik im Kopf

Music! What would life be without music? But where does it come from? Is it inscribed in our DNA? What happens when we listen and play, what roles do the head and body play here? And what can current research tell us about this?In this new Wunderkammer, too, we ourselves – audience, musicians and speakers […]

Premiere on 10. May 2022.
To 11. May 2022.

Wunderkammer III: Pilze

Wunderkammer III: Pilze

Mit der Pilz-Expertin, Mikrobiologin und Künstlerin Vera Meyer, dem Fachmann für Schwarm- und andere Organisationsformen Jens Krause und Musiker*innen begeben wir uns auf eine Reise durch Gärten, Kiezkapelle und Friedhof, werden selbst Teil von Strukturen und einer Musik, die über einfache Kanons bis zu komplexer Polyphonie sinnliche Widerspiegelungen des Erlebten ist.

Premiere on 29. September 2022.
To 30. September 2022.



Our world is full of images. And don’t almost all experiences, encounters, and relationships that connect us to the world initially take place through seeing? Not only since the last Wunderkammer do we know how deceptive images are. So what is the significance of images, beauty, relationships, sound and music, among other things, in a […]

Premiere on 11. November 2022.
To 12. November 2022.

Wunderkammer VIII: Tiere Sehen

Wunderkammer VIII: Tiere Sehen

The fox on the sidewalk, the crow in the park, the neighbor’s dog: in cities we get closer – but what do we know about each other? What do we see in animals and what happens when the gaze of an animal hits us? Without animals and their benefits, the human species would not be […]

Premiere on 06. February 2023.
To 07. February 2023.

Wunderkammer IX:
oder vom Ende Der Wunder

Wunderkammer IX:
oder vom Ende Der Wunder

Hasn’t it always been a dream of mankind to escape its own limitations? Will it be fulfilled in this century, when nanobots repair the body and transhumanism promises eternal life? In the Wunderkammer der Jetztzeit, the Humboldt Laboratory in the Humboldt Forum with its forest of exhibits, we invite you to a parcours that leads […]

Premiere on 29. March 2023.
To 30. March 2023.



LOCATIONOrientalisch-Islamischer Garten/Saal der Empfänge, Gärten der WeltEisenacher Straße 9912685 Berlin Summer evening at one of the most beautiful places in Berlin: the Oriental Garden. Here, beauty is a sign and a path to something beyond. In the interplay of Orient and Occident we look “back” to the first ideas of paradise and look “ahead” to […]

Premiere on 15. June 2023.
To 17. June 2023.



Time is beyond us. We suffer from time pressure or lack of time, we don’t find time or we don’t find ourselves in time anymore. Yet time is our life: without it there is nothing. But in it everything. So let’s set out together to feel time, to hear it, to understand it and to […]

Premiere on 06. September 2023.
To 07. September 2023.

WUNDERKAMMER XI: Hingabe & Engagement

WUNDERKAMMER XI: Hingabe & Engagement

In contrast to a present oriented toward effectiveness and utility, there is a great virtue of “waste”: devotion. It is one of the wonders of the human species – what would be our cooperation, what would be the history of mankind without devotion? And how strange: surrendering, letting go of much and giving up, man […]

Premiere on 16. October 2023.
To 16. October 2023.
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